Enter Dataquest

If I’m honest, I’d stagnated a bit when it came to studying data science. When I first discovered the field and purchase my first (and second) Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), I was pretty amped, doing everything I could to maximize the amount of time I spent thinking and learning about data science. I was downloading all sorts of podcasts that taught me about data science, especially focusing on episodes that talked about entering the field. I would read articles during breaks. And, of course, I was setting aside time to go through the MOOCs that I bought.

Then reality started to set in. I had a Spartan race to train for (which ended up falling through due to inclement weather). Work got more hectic because two coworkers (one of whom was my department manager) left in the span of two months. I’m trying to make the most of the time I have with my girlfriend before she leaves for Chicago at the end of the summer. Then there was Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, my sister’s graduation and other unique schedule interruptions as well as the more frequent time demands like church and friends and having a life.

Needless to say, my learning progress was hampered significantly.

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